Skyrocket engagement 391% by switching from Eventbrite to Instant Quote AI Funnels

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Unlike Eventbrite, Everybooking helps you win group bookings and increase your margins

Using our proven marketing strategy and infinitely customizable funnel builder, you can create a funnel that will help you convert more leads.

Using our ready to use templates you can begin onboarding in under 5 minutes

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Feature comparison

Everybooking Pricing

$0.99 per attendee + 1% + 2.99% credit card fees

EventBrite Pricing

$1.79 per attendee + 3.7% service fee + 2.9% credit card fees + monthly fees

Book, reserve or rent products or services
Embed or use our landing pages
Quick start templates
Quiz funnel builder
Conditional product recommendations
Conditional funnel paths
A/B split-testing
HTTPS custom domains
Custom scripts manager
Upsells & cross-sells
GPT-4 access
Full feature inventory support
Branding control on top of page
Control convenience fees
Accept deposit payments
Dynamic pricing for social sharing
Set tax exempt value for registration
Daily payouts
Google Tag Manager support
Breakout session management
Top level domain masking

Consider These Important Differences Between Everybooking and Eventbrite

The registration experience between Everybooking and Eventbrite are vastly different. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Eventbrite's crowded event page structure

If you browse Eventbrite's events, their page template looks similar to the example. Which means you're competing with other events in your area. Everybooking structures your event registration page in a completely different way, where it's all about you.

Eventbrite logo on top of your page

When you host your event with Eventbrite, their logo adorns the top of your ticketing page. It's on the top of nearly every event page and not likely to be removed.

We’re not in competition with your brand. When you host your event using Everybooking, your branding and logo reigns supreme.

Eventbrite's main navigation on your event page

Alongside their logo, the top of your event page contains their own main navigation. A typical Eventbrite ticketing page has over a dozen external links not related to your specific event.

Unrelated event links on your registration page

Your event page on Eventbrite can contain links to other events at the bottom of your page. Here’s how they sometimes look.

The higher the price, the higher the convenience fee

Eventbrite's fees can get expensive for high priced events, and they've even eliminated their maximum fee cap. Eventbrite charges a ticketing fee of 3.7% + $1.79 per attendee with no limit or maximum fee per attendee. You may choose who pays the fee (you or your attendees), but Eventbrite charges and receives the fee.

Take a closer look at Eventbrite's fine print

There are a few things you might want to be aware of in the terms of service and privacy policy.

Data sharing with affiliates

They have permission to use your attendees’ data for their internal business purposes and to share with their parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates.

Solicitation of attendees

Eventbrite’s terms of service include giving them permission to send offers and solicitations to your customers for other events.

Delayed funding

Eventbrite generally waits until 4-5 days after your event to send you your funds. Eventbrite also reserves the right to withhold a percentage of your funds at its discretion.

Buyers tracked for advertising

Eventbrite has permission to track attendees based on behaviors and display ads for other events later.

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